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“Let’s break up.” The delicate girl stepped on 5cm high heels and appeared in front of him with a man on her arm.

“Why?” He stared at his girlfriend, whom he had cherished for three years,He walked forward with no expression, and stopped 1m from the person in front of him.

The delicate girl seems to have been stepped on the sore spot:”Why? Why are you still asking me? Look at how you are now. You have been working outside for 5 years, and you have not achieved anything. You can’t even give me a promise!”

She looked at the man on the right side gently: “Jun Zi is different. He is personable and has a successful career. He will give me everything I want.”

“I heard Xiaoren say your name is Long Aotian? The name is quite arrogant. Xiaoren has nothing to do with you from today, so don’t bother her in the future.” Wei Junzi looked at Long Aotian in front of him with disdain.

Long Aotian clenched his fists unconsciously: “Zhen Xiaoren, don’t regret it!”

“If I stay with you again, I will regret it! Don’t bother me in the future.” After speaking, Zhen Xiaoren stepped on her high heels and dragged Wei Junzi away with no nostalgia.

Long Aotian took out his mobile phone uncontrollably and opened the FMWhatsApp welfare group:

Ganapati: [Why haven’t you seen Lfish bubbling out lately? ]

Casino Bully: [I heard that he has been very busy recently and is going to go out to relax. ]

Know All: [I know where he is, does Ganapati do anything good to find him? ]

Ganapati: [Recently, I accidentally obtained a basic body training book, which is of no use to me. Thinking of Lfish’s special physique, I gave this book to him to try. Since he is busy recently, then forget it. Book people a chance. ]

Ganapati: [Exchanging Red Envelopes]

Long Aotian hurriedly clicked,

Immediately after FMWhatsApp pops up a message:

[Congratulations on getting the basic body training book*1]

“Yes?” “No?”

Long Aotian clicked it out without hesitation, looked at the book that appeared out of thin air in his hand, he turned to the first page, there was only a Stick figures depicting sitting with his legs folded, and there were stars around the Stick figures depicting.

I didn’t understand it, but when I opened the following pages, it was all a villain doing one action after another. Although there were only a few strokes in the outline of the villain, every action in it was very easy to understand.

Long Aotian hurriedly went home to try this cross-legged meditation. The two palms were bent in a semicircle, the middle fingers were connected, and the thumbs naturally kept a distance. His arms were slightly bent on his thighs, and he closed his eyes as in the book.

It was boring at first, but after a long time, Long Aotian remembered his girlfriend, no, it should be said to be his ex-girlfriend. I also work hard and want to give her what I think is the best . Xiaoren has also hinted that he wants to get married many times, but he has no savings to start a family now, so he has been acting stupid.

Long Aotian immediately recalled his own life, and he was as confused as Zhen Xiaoren said. He worked hard to escape reality, and now he didn’t even have a girlfriend. He decided to cheer up, but he was so powerless, he was so ordinary, he was nothing but a good-looking face.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. Suddenly, Long Aotian entered a mysterious state. He couldn’t open his eyes, but he felt a faint touch.The particles seemed to comfort him. Long Aotian tried to reach out and touch them in the dark. He touched one, two, three… Then he felt the particles rush towards him quickly.

It seemed that a layer of shackles had been broken through in his body, and he felt that the whole person was relaxed, and the surrounding stars were dancing beside him, slowly approaching him.

Long here Aotian opened his eyes. At the moment of his breakthrough, there were a lot of things in his mind, a field that most people in this world can’t reach!

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